L. Frost  

“I absolutely love this gym. I joined in 2017. It was the best decision I made for myself and for my future children at the time. I remember my first day well. I had gotten very emotional because I struggled so much with the workout. The young lady coaching at the time was so patient with me and very understanding. As I continued to show up, not only was I learning new training skills but I was learning more about my own strengths and weaknesses. About one month into my membership I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I decided I was going to continue my fitness journey at SSCF. With proper modifications and coaching, I did crossfit throughout two pregnancies. Once my children came into this world, they were instant tiny members. I am so thankful to this gym for allowing me to bring my children everyday while I train. Crossfit has helped me lose weight, gain muscle and perform everyday tasks adequately. I move around so much better. My body feels better and it helps with my mental health. I am able to keep up with my two young children and complete tasks without injury. I have gone from my heaviest weight of 187lbs down to 155lbs and I'm not stopping. The members of this gym have always been wonderful and treat us like family. These wonderful people have watched my children grow and helped me continue to set the best example for them. I can't thank them enough. Come try our box. You won't be disappointed.”

S. Gonzalez

“One of the best things I could have done for myself was to join CrossFit. Prior to starting my CrossFit experience, I had never worked out a day in my life, but now I can't imagine living without it. I have already achieved numerous goals thanks to Coach Hector and Coach Kassie's constant encouragement, and I look forward to accomplishing many more.”

V. Ramirez

“I’ve trained at Sixth Street Crossfit consistently since the beginning of May and it’s been years since I’ve felt this comfortable and motivated at workout facility. I’ve attended many other gyms in town, and they just don’t compare to Hector and Heather’s knowledge and encouragement. The workouts are always changing, and they challenge you in the BEST way!

People of all fitness levels and abilities attend the classes and are always met with consideration and support. I’ve seen major improvements in my body, my strength, my endurance, and my overall self-confidence. I can’t recommend them enough for a great workout and an even better environment. I’ve definitely found my home.”

B. Keller

“Hey y’all- my name is Brittani and I’m entering my 5th year at Sixth Street Crossfit.

I first walked into SSCF in August of 2018 with absolutely no idea of what I was getting myself into. I was just in search of a gym that I was comfortable in. Kassie and Hector were so welcoming- it immediately felt like home. Crossfit in general can seem intimidating, but Kassie worked right beside me to help demonstrate, guide and adjust each movement to match my skill level.

Since 2018- SSCF has helped me through so many stages and changes in my life.

•September of 2019, I was in the best shape that I have ever been in and fit into the wedding dress of my dreams.

•2020, Kassie and Hector provided support throughout my first pregnancy- guided me through the safest movements for both baby and I.

•2021, SSCF welcomed both my baby girl (Abigail) and I with open arms throughout my postpartum experience.

Today- Sixth Street Crossfit is a second home for both Abigail and I. It is the mental, physical and emotional support and release that I look forward to on the hard days as well as the easy. My family would not be the same without it.

If you’re looking for a gym- there are plenty out there. If you’re looking for a home- Sixth Street Crossfit is the one for you. Whatever walk of life you’re in- there’s a spot for you for you at SSCF.”

S. Guerrero

“Joining Sixth Street CrossFit is hands down the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I have learned what my body is truly capable of and how to mentally push through the hard days. None of this would be possible without the amazing coaches. Each of them have their own way of coaching, yet aim for the same goal....to help us in becoming the healthiest version of ourselves. I have joined many gyms/training programs over the years. This gym is the first place that feels like home, and for that I am grateful. I will continue training there for as long as they will have me.❤️”

R. Bueno

“To my gym family

When I first started my journey here I was skeptical because I had attempted to meet my weight loss goals for years with no long lasting results …I wanted to see results immediately ..it was something that I struggled with for a while but when I went into sixth street crossfit I immediately felt the energy in there was different from anything I had ever experienced. I was thinking maybe this time it would be different and sure enough here I am a year later accomplishing sooo much more than I ever thought I could .. the atmosphere, the motivation from my gym family, the encouragement I received from Everyone there really helped me meet my goals .. I’m so grateful I found a place to call home .. it’s my happy place.. forever grateful.”

S. Canales

“I joined SSCF in 2016. Fast forward a few years, I am in my 40's and in better shape now than when I was in my 20's- achieving fitness goals that I did not know were possible. There is no better CrossFit community than Sixth Street CrossFit. The atmosphere at this gym is welcoming, the coaches here possess remarkable expertise and are always ready to assist with whatever you need. Their genuine concern for your progress and fitness goals ensures you're guided in the right direction. Do yourself a favor, and check it out!”